Hi.. I will be posting all the testing related stuff here. The content posted here is a collection from different websites.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Testing Links


3GPP home page
BetaSoft Software Testing group
Bret Pettichord's Presentations
Bret Pettichord's Publications
Bret Pettichord's Software Testing Hotlist
Cem Kaner - Home Page
Classification of Errors by Severity
CMS Acceptance Testing
Differences Between Various Browsers
Exploration Through Example
GlobalTester (Metrics and Measures)
GUI Testing
Included Page Header
Indian Testing Board
Load and performance tests
Load and Performance Tools
Mantis Bug Tracker
On-line magazine
Open Source Testing
OWASP - Testing
ReadySET Pro White Papers
Software Metrics Ten Traps To Avoid
Software Test Automation
Software Testing FAQs
Software Testing Glossary
Software Testing Online Resources
Software Testing Search Engine
Software Testing Stuff
Software Testing Techniques
SPIN Hyderabad
Sticky Minds - Books List
Testing Hotlist Update
Testware Associates - Error Gallery
Welcome to QAI - Facilitating 'Operational Excellence'
Welcome to the SICP Web Site

Testing Blogs

Cem Kaner's blog
Classic Testing Mistakes
Exploration Through Example
How To Ask Questions Smart Way
Kulkarni's bLog on Software Testing
Martin Fowler's Bliki
Pat's Weblog
Raymond Lewallen SDLC blog
Srini - Test Notes blog
Tester Tested !
Testing Hotlist Update
Testing Interview Questions
WebSite Testing

Quality & Process
BetaSoft Software Testing and Quality Assurance Consulting Services, Automated and Performance
ISO 9000, 9001, 13485, 14001, 17799 Translated into Plain English
NASA - Glossary and Definitions
Process Impact
Software Metrics
Software Testing Search Engine - Quality Assurance Links and Resources Directory Tools-Automate
White Papers

Security Testing
Penetration Testing Guide
Tech papers on Security

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