Hi.. I will be posting all the testing related stuff here. The content posted here is a collection from different websites.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

1. Tell me about your current project?
I have straight away started with my current project
Global OutLook:--
This is an Microsoft’s project which includes a bunch of administrators ,resellers ,Organizations and users .The core idea of this project is to promote an corporate mail i.e., suppose If we consider Our company Symbiosys technologies i.e. we to our employee id as emp@sys.com so ,we have to create and the whole burden is on the company for creating users.
So, if at all we got a site where already these burden was taken by the Global Outlook the only thing we have to do is just register our company and basing on our preferences we have to pay to GO.

2. Tell me about your roles in testing your project?
This project has four levels first the GO administrator, His responsibility is to create resellers, check out the various options created by users, and create other administrators.
The reseller role is to create organizations along with reseller administrators
The organizations can be created through reseller or by sign up page
And billing will be done only if he registers through sign up page. There he can choose between free 30 days trail period or the full package.
Finally the user’s login where he can only send mails and change his details.

My role is to test whether the preference selected by the organizations are assigned properly or not, check for various permissions for different role as mentioned earlier ,check whether the billing is done properly basing on the organization’s choice with respect to database.

So, finally he told that so this is an internet mailing system and I h ave answered exactly sir.

3. Tell me about your self?
I have graduated in computer science and engineering from Raghu Engineering college in the year 2005 and since the have been working with Symbiosys technologies as a test engineer.
The he enquired where about of my college.

4. What is a cookie?
I stared that cookies are small text files placed on our computer by the web server to uniquely identify the web browser or the computer to which the server had to return the web page.
This makes the server to stack the pages in future may be requested by the user
This saves the time for web page retrieval. And instead of requesting the users choice for every page these can be used for page validation.

5. What is java script?
o Java script is a scripting language used for client side validations.
o This is an interpreted language.
o This can be used for validation on forms.
o Check for the simple calculations.
o Can be use for blocking certain fields being entered by the user.
o Generally the scripts are embedded into html code.
o However, there are uses for javascript:
• Browser Detection
Detecting the browser used by a visitor at your page. Depending on the browser, another page specifically designed for that browser can then be loaded.
• Cookies
Storing information on the visitor's computer, then retrieving this information automatically next time the user visits your page. This technique is called "cookies".
• Control Browsers
Opening pages in customized windows, where you specify if the browser's buttons, menu line, status line or whatever should be present.
• Validate Forms
Validating inputs to fields before submitting a form.
An example would be validating the entered email address to see if it has an @ in it, since if not, it's not a valid address.

6. How can developer handle the situation if the script is disabled?
I told that these are the serious problems with java script and if it is disabled we cannot access the pages objects , He then asked me that have u tried these with g mail but I told that I have tried all these with my project and if the script is disabled we cannot access these object in the web page.
So, a solution may be the developer give some pop up message to user to enable java script.(This may not be the right solution so, please know it for ur self )

7. Where do you disable the script?
ToolsInternet options  security  custom level  change properties of java script disable them.

8. What are test cases for yahoo messenger?
I told that usability, compatibility, performance, password hacking in security, various resolutions, voice mail, web camera functionality etc.

9. What is sql injection?
This is process of getting required information through SQL command

10. What is registry?
It is a collection of users information, system configuration , database various software and hardware information.
Registry consists of hives --> keys sub keys values  binary ,word and string.
11. What is Linux scripting?
I told that i just know basic Linux internal commands and not much scripting as I was working on windows.

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