Hi.. I will be posting all the testing related stuff here. The content posted here is a collection from different websites.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Preparing for an interview?

Hey ... have you started looking out for a change? Better prepare for some of these questions.

All the questions listed here are someone's experiences in an interview:

1. What is difference between Utf16 and utf8?
2. If I created an application with .pcs extension how will u test in IE?
3. How will you test login page? Can we apply sql injection there?
4. How will you change java script in IE?
5. Can IE 3.,IE 4,IE 5,IE 6 work simultaneously on same computer?
6. what is ssl and ssh?
7. What is xss?
8. .If I wrote a program , that has to work for Korea language but it is showing English words in the application ?what might have gone wrong?
9. write a program for palindrome in java? (logic!!!!!)?
10. What is content advisor?
11. what are various layers in osi model explain them briefly ?
12. Tell me about your self?
13. What is normalization?
14. What are are types of joins?
15. How to get second max salary?
16. What is difference between test harness and test suite?
17. What is localization and globalization?
18. Write a program to find max and min of a number in c?
19. What are test case and a test plan?
20. What is registry?
21. What is Cambridge application?
22. what is E3
23. What is java script?
24. What is xml?
25. What is html?
26. What are http and https and ssl?
27. What is brief case?
28. How Google search works?
29. What is the sever bug you found?
30. Is it really a bug?
31. How does u measure your performance?
32. What is web server?
33. What is web browser?
34. What is DNS?
35. Tell me about Cambridge application?
36. What are spiders and crawlers?
37. What is localization and internationalization?
38. What is utf16 and utf8?
39. How do you evaluate your performance?
40. What is web server?
41. How do an org know that their page is viewed? (logs)
42. How can u select all the files starting with test in Linux?
43. How does grep command works?
44. Tell about your self?
45. Why you are interested in testing?
46. Explain about your current project?
47. Explain about your role and responsibility in your project?
48. What is the most difficult bug you ever found?
49. Was that a bug?
50. How to kill a process in windows with out using UI (i.e. Task Manager)?
51. How can you do that in LINX OS?
52. How do you change the DATE of the computer system with out using UI (i.e. At command prompt)?
53. What is your favorite programming language?
54. (I answered as JAVA) So why JAVA and why not C or C++?
55. Write a snippet in java to find out the MAX and MIN from a list of numbers?
56. Write a java snippet to read the ASCII characters?
57. What are the different operating systems you are familiar with?
58. What are differences between WIN 98, XP, 2000?
59. What are the differences between HTML and XML?
60. What are the differences between GET and HEAD methods?
61. What are the differences between Localization and internationalization?
62. What are the differences between authorization and authentication?
63. How do you test a Login page which contains a username and password fields and a submit button?
64. If you are a Test Manager, How do you limit the size of password and username fields?
65. Write the test cases for a Telephone?
66. How do you improve your computer performance while you are testing an application?
67. Did you ever write a Test Plan? ( I said “YES”)
68. So, what did you wrote in a test plan?
69. How do you develop a test case?
70. What are the different browsers you are familiar with? And what versions did you used?
71. Did you ever found a P0 bug?
72. What is E3? And describe it?
1. Tell me about your current project?
2. Tell me about your roles in testing your project?
3. Tell me about your self?
4. What is a cookie?
5. What is java script?
6. How can developer handle the situation if the script is disabled?
7. Where do you disable the script?
8. What are test cases for yahoo messenger?
9. What is sql injection?
10. What is registry?
11. What is Linux shell scripting?
12. What is firewall and proxy?
Some more general questions are listed here:
1. How web s erver works
2. How search engine works?
3. How do you test google seawrch engine
4. How do you test Login page?
5. some brief testcases to test security?
6. What is cross site4 scripting?
7. Various testing defns
8. Test case formats, bug reporting format,
9. How do you track testing of applications?
10. How do you ensure that testing is enough for an application?
11. Like these kind of practical questions , but suerly on WEB application
12. How do you test Javascript?
13. Tell me about your self?
14. Explain your Roles and responsibilities in various projects?
15. Frequently Asked Questions:
16. Brief testcases on Wall clock, Monitor, Bottle, Cup, Pen?

17. How do you test the Windows Update process?

18. List the testcases for a Login page ?

19. Write various testcases to test a NotePad and how do you perform Load test?

20. How do you test the desktop calculator?

21. Brief Windows Registry

22. What is Spyware?

23. What is HTTP,HTTPS and WebServer? Also list their default ports?

24. What is the difference between JPEG and BMP files.

25. What is the difference between WAVE and MP3 files?

26. How do you report a bug?

27. What is a firewall?

28. What do know about Virus, Worm and Trojan?

29. How is the security works between Browser and Webserver(Certificate)?

30. What is the difference between Process and Thread? Give an example?

31. What is MultiTasking, Multiprocessing and Multithreading?

32. What is Paging and Indexing?

33. How do you test DeskTop applications?

34. How do test the Installations?

35. What are various Protocols and their communication ports?

36. How do test the Winamp software?

37. what is the difference between rendezvous point and correlation point in winrunner?

38. what is Normalization and explian 3rd normal form?

39. what is the difference between ‘C’ structure and ‘C++’ structure?

40. what is the ‘localization testing’?

41. Difference between .EXE and .DLL?

42. Difference between boxing and un boxing?(.Net or Java 1.5)?

43. Difference between load and stress testing?

44. what is byte code?

45. what is over loading and over ridding?

46. what is the difference between C++ and Java?

47. Describe the verification and validation process?

48. How can you access/change username and password of windows users?

49. Command to find Linux version, IP Address?

50. What's the length of IP Address?

51. What is the difference between History/Cache/Cookies?

52. Write SQL queries to find Higest and second higest salaries of an employee?

53. What is the difference between far pinter and near pointer?

54. Progarms:

55. What is your approach to find length of linked List?

56. Write a program to find Maximum number from a given 'n' numbers?

57. Give an approach to find the repetitive words in a given string and their count?

58. Tell what you know about OOPS with examples?

59. Google interview questions

60. second highest salary: [using sql server]
61. select max(unitprice) from SubProducts where unitprice<(select max(unitprice) from SubProducts)

62. second highest salary:[using mysql]
63. select personid,hourlyrate from Salary order by hourlyrate desc limit 2;

64. what is the difference between rendezvous point and correlation point
65. in winrunner?

66. what is the third normal form DBMS?

67. what is the difference between ‘C’ structure and ‘C++’ structure?

68. what is the ‘localization testing’?

69. difference between boxing and un boxing?

70. difference between .EXE and .DLL?

71. how do u debug windows application?

72. difference between HTTP/HTTPS?

73. why test plan needed in testing?

74. what fields u include in ‘bug tracking tool’?

75. difference between load and stress testing?

76. write test cases for ‘Down loading and install real player software
77. in local machine’?

78. write test cases for standalone system?

79. what is the difference between process and thread?

80. discribe the verification and validation process?

81. OOPs concepts?

82. what is byte code?

83. how u automate ‘SQl injection’ through winrunner?

84. what is over loading and over ridding?

85. what is the difference between C++ and Java?

86. difference between virus/worm/trojen?

87. what protocols u know?

88. --------------------

89. 3nf
90. rendozouse and correlation point
91. c structure & c++ structure
92. localization & globalization testing
93. boxing & unboxing
94. .exe and .dll
95. how do u debug windows app
96. y test plans required
97. diff between http & https
98. how do u create table in oracle 9
99. com/process/dcom/beans
100. test cases for winword/paint
101. test cases for - how do u write test cases for installation of application
102. how do u test word app in browser
103. diff between overloading and overriding
104. db2., mssql
105. virus,worm,trojan
106. removing paint
107. protocols used oops cob
108. ipv4
109. byte code
110. process/thread
111. comm to c kernal
112. what factors u consider for bug tracking tool
113. diff between load and stress
114. ever bug found by u
115. sql injection
116. what type of linux version u r working on

117. linux config - ifconfig
118. excel,calc,media player
119. what type of tests
120. diff b/w .exe, .dll
121. how do u debug .exe file
122. how do u test/debug web service
123. what type of testing tool ur using
124. can u open msaccess file through excel
125. api
126. regtry,install wrd,pe n
127. .net arch,c shrp,.net perf diff
some questions on java:
1)What is OOPs?
2)what is the difference between Procedural and OOPs?
3)What are Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism?
4)What is the difference between Assignment and Initialization?
5)What are Class, Constructor and Primitive data types?
6)What is an Object and how do you allocate memory to it?
7)What is the difference between constructor and method?
8)What are methods and how are they defined?
9)What is the use of bin and lib in JDK?
10)What is casting?
11)How many ways can an argument be passed to a subroutine and explain them?
12)What is the difference between an argument and a parameter?
13)What are different types of access modifiers?
14)What is final, finalize() and finally?
15)What is UNICODE?
16)What is Garbage Collection and how to call it explicitly?
17)What is finalize() method ?
18)What are Transient and Volatile Modifiers?
19)What is method overloading and method overriding?
20)What is difference between overloading and overriding?
21) What is meant by Inheritance and what are its advantages?
22)What is the difference between this() and super()?
23)What is the difference between superclass and subclass?
24) What modifiers may be used with top-level class?
25)What are inner class and anonymous class?
26)What is a package?
27)What is a reflection package?
28)What is interface and its use?
29)What is an abstract class?
30)What is the difference between Integer and int?
31)What is a cloneable interface and how many methods does it contain?
32)What is the difference between abstract class and interface?
33) Can you have an inner class inside a method and what variables can you access?
34) What is the difference between String and String Buffer?
35) What is the difference between Array and vector?
36) What is the difference between exception and error?
37) What is the difference between process and thread?
38) What is multithreading and what are the methods for inter-thread communication and what is the class in which these methods are defined?
39) What is the class and interface in java to create thread and which is the most advantageous method?
40) What are the states associated in the thread?
41) What is synchronization?
42) When you will synchronize a piece of your code?
43) What is deadlock?
44) What is daemon thread and which method is used to create the daemon thread?
45) Are there any global variables in Java, which can be accessed by other part of your program?
46)What is an applet?
47)What is the difference between applications and applets?
48)How does applet recognize the height and width?
49)When do you use codebase in applet?
50)What is the lifecycle of an applet?
51)How do you set security in applets?
52)What is an event and what are the models available for event handling?
53) What are the advantages of the model over the event-inheritance model?
What are Vector, Hashtable, LinkedList and Enumeration?

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